Artistic License Net-Lynx O/P SET
Net-Lynx O/P is a desktop or truss-mounted Ethernet-to-DMX512 converter. It is capable of converting Art-Net into 2 Universes of DMX512 & RDM, or sACN into 2 Universes of DMX512. The product is powered via an external power supply unit or, alternatively, the Power over Ethernet (PoE) standard. The product is easily configured by dialling in the required Sub-Net and Universe using the wheel selectors. Alternatively, Net-Lynx O/P can be remotely configured via the internal web-server or over the network using DMX-Workshop (free-of-charge software available from Artistic Licence). When used with Art-Net 3, DHCP is supported for automatic IP addressing.
Key Features :
- Ethercon XLR/RJ45 10BaseT ethernetyport, compatible with Art-Net and sACN2.
- DMX512 outputs, compatible with allyvariants of DMX, including DMX512-A.Support for RDM (Remote DeviceManagement) V1.0 (E1.20 – 2006 ESTAStandard).
- Ethernet data activity indicator.
- DMX data activity indicators.
- Power indicator.
- PoE compatible.
- Internal web-server for configuration (including support for DHCP when usedwith Art-Net 3).
- Sub-Net and Universe wheels.
- Default IP address: 2.x.y.z
- Truss-mountable using truss-ear adapter.