Cooper Controls Split2.8 RDM
Split2.8 RDM is a 2-input, 8-output DMX and RDM Splitter than has individual input selection. Either of the two inputs may be routed to any of the eight outputs, by means of an A/B select switch. Housed in a metal case it is ideal as a desktop unit or, using the supplied Rack Ears, it can be easily mounted in any 19” rack enclosure. Using a standard IEC connector, Split2.8 RDM can be used anywhere in the world due to its universal mains voltage input. Both inputs are opto-isolated offering protection against high voltage accidents and eliminating potential Earth / Ground issues. Split2.8 RDM supports all generations of DMX512 and is fully compliant with the Remote Device Management protocol (E1.20 – 2006 RDM).