Dateq SPL D2 Sound Level display unit, in box! In excellent condition.
The SPL-D2 is a sound-level display unit. This unit can be used as a stand-alone device, or it can be connected to the SPL5 limiter. The display is built-up with hi-efficiency bi-color LEDs, so that it is clearly readable from a distance. When connected to the SPL5 the display value is read from the SPL5 limiter. The bar can be used as a soundlevel indication bar, or as an attenuation bar.
When used as a stand-alone unit the measuring microphone must be connected. The display shows the actual measured value. When the value crosses the pre-defined level the display color switches from green to red. This can be used as an indication for a live-band. When using a measuring microphone three measuring curves can be selected:
- hese settings can be changeg using the SPL-D2 configuration software.
- Large, clearly readable digits
- Can be used standalone, or as an extension of the SPL5
- Display is automatically dimmed in a dark environment
- Display-color changes when the threshold is passed
- Can be linked to the SRL-1 to act as circuitbreaker
- Display intensity can be adjusted
- Adjustable threshold
- Microphone sensitivity can be adjusted
- Limiter function can be adjusted