Jands DDX-60 DMX 512 Demux 60 Channel Demultiplexer
Each DDX-60 decodes signals which conform to USITT DMX-512 specification, and converts them to their analogue equivalent. This specification allows for up to 512 control channels to be sent via a balanced digital line. Each DDX-60 decodes a bank of 60 channels as selected by the switches on the front panel. Where more than one DDX-60 is used in a system, the digital line is ‘daisy-chained’ using the “DMX OUT” connector on the front panel. Each DDX-60 on this line will terminate the line and re-transmit the control information automatically, resulting in optimum signal transmission in bad conditions.
The 60 analogue outputs are directly compatible with most existing wire-per-channel receivers, such as dimmers and colour scrollers, being 0 to +10 Volts DC. The outputs are terminated on five 15 pin ‘D’ connectors on the front, suiting both temporary and permanent applications.
The DDX60 is designed to run from most mains power systems. It will accept an input voltage from 100 to 240V AC 50/60Hz.
Each unit comes ready to mount in a standard 19″ rack and occupies one rack space (13/4 inches).